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External Professional Training Centers


The Meteorological

Offers courses in the areas of agro-meteorological database management and computerization of crops for climatic conditions.


The International Institute Histadrut

Offers a broad variety of courses in fields such as community development, administration of volunteer organizations, civil defense and more.


The Hebrew University Faculty of Agriculture

Holds continuing studies for a Masters Degree in public health and community medicine for doctors and nurses from around the world.


The Weitz Center for Development Studies (DSC)

Specializes in Integrated Regional Planning (regional and local).The Center developed the "Rehovot Approach" for integrated regional development focusing on eliminating poverty by rural and urban development.


The Hebrew University Faculty of Agriculture

Holds courses for experts from developing countries, inter alia in biotechnology, and food technology.


The Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Development (NISPED)

Deals with fields relating to problems facing societies in transition, solution of conflicts, management of small businesses and development studies.


The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies

The Institute is the largest of its kind in the Middle East and promotes Middle East research studies for Jewish and Arab leaders.

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The Center for Cooperation and Advancement (CCA)

Offers a professional study program in Russian based on societies in transition - from centralized to free market, from dictatorship to democracy.


Rambam Medical Center - The teaching Center for Trauma, Emergency and Mass Casualties Situations

 The center specializes in emergency medicine and organization and development of trauma systems.


Rambam Medical Center - The teaching Center for Trauma, Emergency and Mass Casualties Situations

 The center specializes in emergency medicine and organization and development of trauma systems.

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